BARBADOS: Response To Land Fair Pleasing

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Prospective buyers, who were unsuccessful at Lancaster, were advised that there would be future land fairs at Colleton and Pool, St. John, while Chancery Lane, Christ Church, and Todds, St. John, would have housing solutions and land lots.(F. Belgrave/BGIS)

Minister of Housing, Lands and Maintenance, Dr. William Duguid, is pleased at the response to the National Housing Corporation’s (NHC) ground breaking and land fair held last Saturday, at Vespera Gardens, Lancaster Phase Three, St. James.

Speaking at the event, Dr. Duguid said: “We are very, very happy with the turn out; we’re extremely pleased with the amount of interest that we’re having with people coming to buy lots here at Lancaster.”

He stated that there were 100 lots available at Lancaster and more than 300 applications were received.   He, however, informed the prospective buyers, who were unsuccessful at Lancaster, that there would be future land fairs at Colleton and Pool, St. John, while Chancery Lane, Christ Church, and Todds, St. John, would have housing solutions and land lots.

Noting that the infrastructure at Lancaster would be completed in 12 weeks, he said: “We are constantly moving; putting in roads where necessary.   Where we have roads already, we’re looking to sell the lots, because everybody must get a chance to own a piece of the rock in Barbados.”

Alluding to the persons who would gain employment when the infrastructure is being put in place, he added: “The main focus of this Government is to get people back to work; back to providing food for their families; back to feeling confident and comfortable in being good and productive members of this society.”

Minister Duguid acknowledged that the housing need was great, and the NHC was looking at the number of applications for houses, lots and units.  “They’re thousands and thousands.  We are in fact going through that list now; calling people; asking them have you found a solution, are you still interested?  Weeding out the ones that are no longer interested, and getting a list that is more accurate, an up-to-date list.”

He disclosed that the NHC was also committed to building some units for rental because not everyone would be able to afford a house or house spots.