BARBADOS: PM Mottley Praises Retired Ilaro Court Staffer

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Retired Executive Personal Assistant at Ilaro Court, Roseita Green ( at left ) , in conversation with Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley during her retirement luncheon at Ilaro Court. (S. Austin/BGIS)

After 25 years of giving yeoman service to four of this country’s Prime Ministers, Executive Personal Assistant at Ilaro Court, Roseita Green, has retired.

Mrs. Green retired on Monday, August 31, and staff and some of those who interacted with her over the years paid glowing tributes to her during a luncheon on Tuesday, September 1, at Ilaro Court. 

Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley said Mrs. Green, who worked at the official residence of the Prime Minister, served with distinction and graciousness.

She continued: “Know that your presence at this residence over the decades has made an appreciable difference to the quality of engagement and to the stewardship of the Prime Ministers you have served.

“Note that it has been across party lines and it could not have been so if people felt that you were doing a bad job because it is easy to turn your back [on someone] if you feel somebody is undermining you.  But the fact that they didn’t, tells you that they felt you acted graciously and that you could go forward.”

Mrs. Green responded that she was happy to have worked there during the last 25 years.  “Every day was not the same, but I always gave of my best regardless of the situation and I was very happy to have been able to work with you for the last two years,” she told Ms. Mottley.

She added that even though she was now retired, she was willing to assist, if a need arose.

In an interview with the Barbados Government Information Service, Mrs. Green said she went to work at Ilaro Court in August 1995, when the late Professor Owen Arthur was Prime Minister.  She has since worked with the late Prime Minister David Thompson; former Prime Minister Freundel Stuart and current Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley.

Her tasks included dealing with matters pertaining to the Prime Minister and liaising to ensure all meetings and functions were smoothly executed, whether they were with members of the royal family, heads of state, prime ministers, ambassadors, the business community or anyone who entered the gates of Ilaro Court.

She continued: “My 25 years had its ups and downs, but I always made sure I gave of my best at every juncture; no one can say differently….  I enjoyed my job.

I came to work with a purpose, and that purpose was to serve the people of Barbados when they called here [Ilaro Court].”

Mrs. Green said it was not an 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., or 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. job. “Some nights at midnight I was leaving here.  My husband would be outside parked and waiting ….  He has come at 5:00 in the morning to collect me, so I have to thank him for all of that,” Mrs. Green stated.

Her work has been valued over the years, and this was evident by the commendation she received from many people who had meetings or functions at Ilaro Court, and expressed gratitude for her diligence.,.bb