school building

Schools To Reopen In June – Protocols In Place.

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Secondary schools will reopen from Monday, June 8, to allow students who have not completed their Caribbean Examinations Council School Based Assessments (SBA) and Internal Assessments for Caribbean Vocational Qualifications (CVQs) to do so.

The Ministry of Education, Technological and Vocational Training (METVT) said it had been granted permission for secondary schools to reopen and all protocols will be in place to safeguard staff and students.

Only those students who are contacted by their teachers will be required to attend school. They will be given the days and times.

Protocols for the Safe Reopening of Schools have been devised and shared with all schools. These Protocols have been developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Wellness, Teacher Unions and Principal Associations.

Officers from the Ministry of Health and Wellness and the Ministry of Education, Technological and Vocational Training will be visiting secondary schools with other stakeholders between June 2 and June 5, to ensure that all agreed protocols are in place.

Similar visits will be made to primary schools before the scheduled return of Class Four students on Monday, June 15.

For these sessions, secondary school principals are expected to organize schedules for half-day sessions to minimize the number of persons on the school plant at any one time and also to allow for adequate sanitizing of classrooms.

During this week, information will continue to be shared through public service announcements with students, parents and guardians on the expectations for a safe return to school.