President of Barbados The Most Honourable Dame Sandra Mason (second from left) and Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley (third from right) lead the cheers in celebration of Barbados’ 56th anniversary of independence at Kensington Oval, today. (C. Pitt/BGIS)
Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley used the occasion of the island’s 56th Anniversary of Independence and its first Anniversary as a Parliamentary Republic, to again publicly thank Barbadians for “staying the course” despite the myriad challenges the country faced over the last couple of years.
Ms. Mottley, in an Independence Day address to the nation, was effusive in praise as she spoke to thousands of patriotic Barbadians clad in national colours, members of the diplomatic corps, honourees, school children, online viewers, and other specially invited guests, at Kensington Oval today.
The Prime Minister commended Barbadians for “knowing how to navigate rough seas” and said: “…I want to say thank you, because we could only be standing here because of the efforts of so many tens of thousands of Barbadians to help lift this country up and all who live in it, through the very difficult and tumultuous two and a half years that we have experienced…I come here this morning to say thank you to Barbadians, thank you to Bajans for allowing us to be able to stay the course.”
Speaking specifically to the island’s youth including students listening in the stands and online, young mothers and fathers, Ms. Mottley reflected on the difficult period which the students, their parents and grandparents had experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic. She pointed out that many had suffered angst and mental difficulties during that time.

However, The Prime Minister contended that Barbadians were proud and resilient, having learnt from the lessons of their forebearers who had “borne much, much more at a personal level, requiring sacrifice…resilience and the ability to endure oppression and pain”.
“As we therefore come to the task of trying to cope from cost of living to mental anguish, to the awful aspects of the pandemic including those who we lost and those who lost during the pandemic… I give this message this morning because many of us are sometimes not aware of the burden that people carry,” Ms. Mottley emphasised.
She further stated: “We ask you as we continue to reflect the best values that have gotten us where we have, never to forget that it takes just a pleasant smile or an easy word, very often, to lighten the spirit of someone and to give them the strength and courage to make the next few steps. This country has what it takes to get there, but we as a people must continue to reflect it.”
Ms. Mottley reminded Barbadians that they must live by the principles of sharing each other’s burdens and the “bounty whenever it comes”, and that many hands make light work.
“That [many hands make light work] must continue to be our motto because when you come from a small nation very often you cannot do it alone and it is only through the principles of solidarity and our ability to share the burden that we will make it. But there is one other that goes above all else…do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
Ms. Mottley rallied Barbadians to be active citizens while underscoring the role each citizen can play in keeping families, communities and the nations safe.
CARIBPIX.NET is now giving you a pictorial of the Parade before the Presentation of the Honours.
Kensington Oval Comes Alive With Independence Day Parade

For the first time in three years, Kensington Oval came to life with the full return of the annual Ceremonial Independence Day Parade, this morning.
With just over 950 armed and unarmed troops on the parade square, the stands at the cricket mecca were packed with Barbadians proudly wearing their national colours in celebration of the island’s 56th anniversary of Independence and its first anniversary of being a Parliamentary Republic.
Children, adults, members of Cabinet, the diplomatic corps, visitors to the island, including those from the visiting French naval vessel, the Frigate “Ventose” were present to witness the return of the full parade since the COVID-19 pandemic.
Under the command of Commander Mark Peterson, the troops paid a salute to President of Barbados, The Most Honourable, Dame Sandra Mason, in slow and quick time.
The troops did not disappoint the spectators with their customary precision in drill as they marched across the parade square in slow and quick time to the tunes of the combined bands of The Barbados Police Service (TBPS) and the Barbados Defence Force (BDF).
Loud cheers could be heard from the stands as the troops marched past representing their organisations. These included the Barbados Prison Service, the Government Security Guards, the Youth Advance Corps, Barbados Cadet Corps, the Barbados Legion, the Barbados Red Cross, the Barbados Girl Guides’ Association, the St. John Ambulance Brigade and the Barbados Sea Cadets.
It was also a special day for the Head Boys and Head Girls of public and private primary and secondary schools across the island as they received their Leadership badges from Dame Sandra, Prime Minister of Barbados, Mia Amor Mottley, Chief Justice Sir Patterson Cheltenham, Members of Cabinet, the House of Parliament and Permanent Secretaries.
For Kerrisha Skeete, a student of the Frederick Smith Secondary School, Independence Day will always be a memorable one as she proudly received a Barbados Bravery Medal for her unselfish act of bravery towards a senior citizen while preventing loss of life from a seizure which occurred on public transportation, just days before Independence.
Bravery Medals also went to Shaquan Price and Mitchell Roach, for placing their lives at risk to prevent extreme loss of property and loss of life from a house fire in Eastmond Land, Brittons Hill, St. Michael.
Journalist Trevor Thorpe was also recognised for his service as a media practitioner and his contributions to the development of motorsports in Barbados as he too received a Barbados Service Medal. He was one of seven persons to receive that award.
Other awards conferred during today’s ceremony were the Freedom of Barbados; Order of the Republic; Honorary Order of the Republic; Gold Award of Achievement; Gold Trident of Excellence; and Silver Trident of Excellence.
The morning’s activities also consisted of a cultural performance by the Massed Band and the Pinelands Creative Workshop, before ending with the traditional 21-gun salute to the nation and the playing of the National Anthem.
The troops then marched down Fontabelle, through Cheapside into Bridgetown where Prime Minister Mottley and Members of Cabinet received the final salute for the day at National Heroes Square, The City.
CARIBPIX.NET is now giving you a pictorial of the Parade before the Presentation of the Honours.