Ministry of Transport, Works and Water Resources
Pine East-West Boulevard, the Pine, St Michael
Barbados, W.I.
Driving on roads affected by volcanic ash poses hazards, irrespective
of whether the ash is dry or wet, as traction is reduced, leading to
sliding, the faster you are driving.
The Ministry of Transport, Works and Water Resources (MTWW) is
asking motorists to take cognisance of the speed in which they are
travelling, on the roads, at this time and implores motorists to drive at
a speed below 30 kilometres per hour, especially where there is ash,
thus reducing the possibility of sliding and causing accidents.
MTWW thanks motorists for their cooperation.
The Ministry of Transport Works and Water Resources
(MTWW), together with the assistance of public and private sector partners, have embarked on a national road cleaning programme with a view of reducing the ash on the road. During this exercise, road
workers would be operating on the roads and the ministry will be informing the travelling public of the roads to be cleaned, at specific times and dates, so that the public can make alternative arrangements when this work is in progress.
MTWW wishes to apologise for any inconvenience caused during this exercise.
Property owners and householders are advised to refrain
from sweeping, washing or placing volcanic ash into drains or
suckwells. Such action can impact negatively and result in flooding
during heavy rains. Persons are therefore advised to collect, bag and
store the ash until advised on how to properly dispose of it.
The Drainage Division of the Ministry of Transport Works and
Water Resources encourages the public to secure and contribute to
the proper function of the wells and drains on and around their