Pictured above with the Sponsor’s check is from left, Mr Anthony Clerk, Managing Director & CEO Republic Bank: Mrs Sharon Zephirin, General Manager, Retail & Operations Republic Bank: Ms.Carol Roberts, Chief Executive Officer, National Cultural Foundation:
Sponsor’s Remarks
Delivered by Anthony Clerk, Managing Director & CEO Republic Bank.
June 02, 2023
● Mrs. Carol Roberts-Reifer – Chief Executive Officer, National
Cultural Foundation (NCF)
● Mrs. Sharon Zephirin – General Manager, Retail Banking
and Operations, Republic Bank and other members of the
Senior Management Team
● Ms. Mischa Knight – Manager, Marketing & Corporate
Communication, Republic Bank
● Ms. Paula-Ann Jackman – Marketing Officer and Master of
Ceremonies, NCF
● Ms. Karen Pestaina- Event Producer of the Republic Bank
Pandemonium, NCF
● Mr. Lory Worrell – Director, National Steel Orchestra – NCF
● Other officials of the NCF
● Members of the Republic Bank Steel Orchestra and
Musicians of the National Youth Steel Orchestra
● Specially invited guests
● Members of the Media
Good Morning!
It is my distinct honour to deliver remarks on behalf of Republic
Bank who is a committed partner of the National Cultural
Foundation and has been for years. At Republic Bank we are
cognizant of the importance of such partnerships and take our
Corporate Social Responsibility seriously.

You see, as the old adage goes “no man is an island” and it is
through partnerships like ours that we ensure that citizens benefit
from the opportunity to relax and enjoy the cultural experiences
that our Country has to offer, during the “sweetest summer
festival ever!” We at Republic Bank, embrace the theme “Love
Crop Over” to the fullest and we too “Love Crop Over!”
It is for this very reason that we commit year on year to putting
our money where our mouths are.
Republic Bank has been a proud sponsor for more than two
decades taking up the mantel from Barbados National Bank and
proudly continuing to pledge our support.
This is the second consecutive year for us sponsoring the
rebranded pan event in the breathtaking Botanical Gardens. Like
many lovers of the art form we are especially happy to assist the
NCF in ensuring this art form finds new life in the hearts and
minds of musical connoisseurs of all ages.
So it is by no means a coincidence that we have renewed and
pledged our continued commitment to ensuring that the most
important cultural festival on our nation’s calendar is given our
resounding support.
A festival that is eagerly anticipated annually by locals and
tourists alike. A festival that not only contributes to boosting our
economy but also to promoting culture, and comradery amongst
our people. A festival that focuses on the development of the arts,
be it in song writing, music production, photography, visual arts,
the cooking of local dishes, and let’s not forget the playing of live
steel-pan music all of which will live on way after you and I are
long gone.
Crop Over is the kind of festival which provides excellent
opportunities for lots of small and medium sized enterprises in the
areas of food and beverage sales, arts and craft, make up artistry,
song writing and arranging, music production, costume design
and making, photography, event planning and event production
just to name a few.
Now in the final year of our Creating Alternative Futures theme
for our Corporate Social Responsibility Program known as – The
Power to Make a Difference or PMAD, we see our support of Pan
as an avenue for musicians to not only share their talent with the
world, but also as a viable opportunity for them to earn a living in
their chosen field. So vested is Republic Bank in Pan and its
development, that the group you just heard from was made up
primarily of Republic Bank staff. Some fifteen of them including
our esteemed General Manager, Retail Banking and Operations,
Mrs. Sharon Zephirin, who gave you a warm welcome a few
minutes ago took the initiative to give up a few hours every
Saturday morning and learned to play in just 6 short weeks. We
look forward to hearing from the second group in a few minutes.
Congratulations to the members of the Republic Bank staff
orchestra! We look forward to you growing from strength to
Steel Pan music remains a shared cultural thread between
Barbados and Trinidad & Tobago. To date, Trinidad’s renowned
Exodus Steel orchestra continues to be sponsored by Republic
Bank in Trinidad, our parent company. We look forward to
welcoming them in the pan line up at Pandemonium this year!
Last year’s Republic Bank Pandemonium was a resounding
success as patrons came out in their numbers to witness and
participate in the festivities. This event was the perfect fit for us as
we are a family oriented Bank and Pandemonium is a fun family
event. As a corporate member of our wider society we’re happy to
donate $100,000 to making Pandemonium a ringing success this
year. Additionally, we have provided a further $50,000 to fund the
Republic Bank Exodus Steel Orchestra to perform at this year’s
So ladies and gentlemen come out to the National Botanical
Gardens on Sunday July 16, at 2:00 p.m. and enjoy an evening
of sweet, sweet pan music! See you at Pandemonium!
Thank you.

Mrs. Sharon Zephirin – General Manager, Retail Banking
and Operations, Republic BankRepublic Bank Exodus Steel Orchestra Mr Anthony Clerk, Managing Director & CEO Republic Bank: Republic Bank Exodus Steel Orchestra Republic Bank Exodus Steel Orchestra Ms.Carol Roberts, Chief Executive Officer, National Cultural Foundation: vvvvvvvvvvvv