NOV 2, 2021

When the inaugural flight of the Eurowings Discover touched down at the Grantley Adams International Airport on Monday, on hand to greet the 105 passengers and its crew members was Germany’s Honorary Consul in Barbados, Andreas Kusay.
He was joined by Manager, Barbados Tourism Product Authority, Marsha Alleyne; Interim Chief Executive Officer, Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc., Craig Hinds, and a Tuk band procession.
Mr. Kusay expressed his delight at its arrival and noted he was pleased to celebrate the Lufthansa flight’s journey from Frankfurt.
“I am glad to be here today to see the first flight arriving from Frankfurt after such a long time. I was here last year in March/April helping to take the German tourists and nationals from other Europeans countries back to Germany when everything was closed. So, it is quite an emotional moment to see the plane arriving again from Frankfurt and I hope it will stay for the long term and we all stick together to solve COVID-19, so we can get back our normal lives. This is my greatest wish…” he stated.
Acknowledging that Eurowings Discover would be making three flights a week until the end of April 2022, the Honorary Consul disclosed that he had earlier spoken to the representative of the Lufthansa flight, and he expressed the hope that the flight would “continue through the summer at least with one flight per week”.
Germany’s Honorary Consul in Barbados, Andreas Kusay ( at left ) greeting BTMI’s Senior Development Officer for Europe, Debbie Moe.
The BTMI’s Senior Development Officer for Europe, Debbie Moe, has been talking about the service.
Ms. Moe says the German market has changed since the pandemic, with people booking just weeks before they fly, instead of months.
However, she says it continues to be the strongest for Barbados in continental Europe, and local tourism officials continue to push the island as a destination.
Meanwhile Germany’s Honorary Council to Barbados, Andreás Kusay says he’s hopeful the airline will continue to provide at least a once weekly flight after the winter tourist season. ( Extract from CBC TV )