Operations ran smoothly at the vaccination centre set up at the Globe Drive-In, as scores of seniors arrived to receive their COVID-19 vaccinations yet another day.
BGIS NEWS UPDATE – Drive-Thru Vaccinations — VIEW HERE ……

This was today Thursday 25th February 2021 around Midday.
All Barbadians Have Role To Play In COVID-19 Fight.
by Government of Barbados — 24th February 2021
All Barbadians Have Role To Play In COVID-19 Fight

Fellow Barbadians, history shows that this country we call home has never faltered nor wavered in the face of adversity.
Yes, we have been blessed to have some of the brightest leaders the Caribbean and I daresay the world has ever seen, but it is the citizens of this nation who set Barbados apart. My friends, it is the everyday men and women who keep this country flying.
It is by that token that I want us to be reminded that the battle against COVID-19 is one which we must all participate in.
We may very well find that the solution to Barbados’ COVID-19 problems may be resident in the minds of Barbadians both here and in the Diaspora. The administration, that I am proud to lead, works tirelessly for the people of Barbados, with the understanding that to lead, we must first listen.
As such, I want to state on the record that we’re not rubbishing any perspective or idea. We want to hear the views of our people, whether resident here or abroad. We will listen. We are in this together and I have always said that many hands make light work.
I want to see all views contending as the country grapples with COVID-19 and the range of health, social and economic issues that it has spawned.
In relation to an article I recently read, which was penned by Dr. Melissa Goddard, I must confess that while I don’t necessarily agree, I believe she has a perspective that needs to be heard. I wish to use this opportunity to invite her to meet with me in the near future, so I can hear what she has to say in greater detail.
There is not much to be gained at this time from focusing on the rearview mirror. We have, as I said, to get ahead of this issue, and that’s why I am so happy that as of last night almost 22,000 people have been vaccinated.
In a week’s time, I am confident that I will be in a position to give Barbadians even better news as it relates to that. So, I look forward to meeting with Dr. Goddard and hearing her perspective – whether virtually or actual face-to-face.
Barbadians in the Diaspora are Barbadians, and the position of this Government is that they have a role to play in the developmental process of this island. So, we welcome their views and perspectives and will create the right mechanism or facility where their voices can be heard, and their views analysed by persons in decision-making positions in Barbados.
It is only by distilling and blending these views that we will emerge with the best formula going forward for Barbados. This administration, that I am blessed to lead, welcomes the fact that Barbadians at home and abroad want to get involved and be a part of the solution to this pandemic.
Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley