Date: July 8, 2024
Finalists in the Scotiabank Soka Competition pictured above.
Subject: 15 Junior Monarch finalists named; Tae not defending
Finalists in the Scotiabank Junior Monarch Competition were named
Sunday, July 7, 2023 just after midnight after 13 juniors faced off in the
calypso category and 13 went ding dong in the soca category.
The announcements were made after the Semifinals which was held at the
Graduation Tent, UWI, Cave Hill Campus before a packed and lively crowd.
A new monarch will be crowned in the soca category since reigning
monarch Tae has opted not to defend her title. This means that eight
finalists were named in the soca competition. However, in the calypso
category seven finalists will face off against reigning monarch Sakarah. A
reserve in each category was also named.
The Scotiabank Junior Monarch Finals will be held on Saturday, July 20
at 7 p.m. at the National Botanical Gardens.
Log on to our social media pages The NCF Barbados for information on the
Scotiabank Junior Monarch Competition and all other Crop Over
activities. (PR)
See list of Finalists in the Scotiabank Junior Monarch on Page 2.

Finalists in the Scotiabank Junior Monarch Competition pictured above.

Finalists in the Scotiabank Soka Competition pictured above..