President The Most Honourable Dame Sandra Mason ( extreme Right ) being fascinated with holding this Parrot as Richard Clarke of the Barbados Cage-Aviary Bird Association over her right shoulder looking on with others .
Don’t miss Barbados’ biggest agricultural exhibition!!
Every year Agrofest attracts over 60,000 patrons from all over the world. Don’t miss Agrofest ’24.
Starting in 2005 and held in Queen’s Park, the annual event attracts more than 60 000 patrons over a three-day period. The majority of these are school children from across the island, so many in fact that a day is dedicated to the their attendance.
Guyana, Suriname and Cuba participated in this years Argofest. Guyana was there with a very large showing this year.
AGROFEST 2024 Securing our roots through agriculture QUEEN’S PARK FEB 23 – 25 – VIEW OUR YouTube Video.