BARBADOS: Emancipation Village To Launch On May 25

Culture Events Local News


Barbadians are encouraged to come out and participate in the cultural activities and view the various exhibits on offer at the Emancipation Village, starting next Saturday, May 25.

According to Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office with responsibility for Culture, Senator Dr. Shantal Munro-Knight, the village, located in 1st Avenue Haggatt Hall, St. Michael, in the environs of the Stanley Centre, was conceptualised by Special Envoy on Reparations in the Prime Minister’s Office, Trevor Prescod.

Dr. Munro-Knight added that the Emancipation Village was a special innovation to this year’s Season of Emancipation celebrations.

“This is a call to action for all Barbadians to come out and to participate in this free Emancipation Village…. We wanted a space where…every single Barbadian can come out and see themselves and get involved in some activity.

“One of the things we are doing within the Division of Culture is to ensure that we are really grounding the season in communities and that people every day are connected to the notion of emancipation,” she underlined.  

In his remarks, Mr. Prescod described the village as a “massive celebration” that will showcase entertainment, sports and the arts. 

“We have all the structures in place…. We have all of the programmes laid out in a comprehensive way and we will showcase some of the best Barbadian entertainers. Standby, you are in for a real treat at this cultural extravaganza.”

He continued: “I believe that the collective, creative minds within the Division of Culture and within my small department in the Prime Minister ‘s Office have been able to come together to form this model…. It is going to be a unique celebration of our liberation as a people.”

Chief Executive Officer of the National Cultural Foundation, Carol Roberts-Reifer, said the set up for the village will commence from next Monday, May 20, and patrons can look forward to a number of engaging activities.

The Emancipation Village will open every day at 5:00 p.m. There will be performances on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. It will run until Saturday, August 17.