All services of the Registration Department will commence from tomorrow, Monday, May 18, between 8:30 a.m. and 3:15 p.m. However, an alphabetical system will continue, and vary according to sections of the department. Attorneys and member of the public are therefore asked to carefully note the times and days that have been allocated to all services offered.
Registrar of the Supreme Court, Barbara Cooke-Alleyne, noted that while the department would try its best to minimize the wait, persons should expect that there may be some delays.
She further noted that there would be strict protocols for conducting business with the Registration Department. Those protocols are as follows:
- All persons entering the Supreme Court Complex and Magistrates’ Court Complexes are required to wear face masks at all times.
- Persons must use the hand sanitizer on entering the buildings, courts and offices.
- Only persons conducting business will be allowed to enter the offices of the Supreme Court Complex and Magistrates’ Courts.
- There will be a limited number of persons in the court rooms: two lawyers, prosecutor, orderly, court personnel, litigants/accused, probation officer, prison warden and three media reporters. Where there are more than two lawyers (because of the number of parties) further protocols will be put in place.
- There will be no persons waiting in the courtroom for another matter to commence.
- No more than one person will be at the counters at any time
- Persons requesting to view files and documents must sanitize their hands.
- Social distancing protocols must be strictly adhered to.
- Temperatures will be checked before persons are allowed to enter the building.

Persons registering the birth of babies may do so between 8:30 a.m. and 3:15 p.m. In cases of unwed parents, the surname will be based on the mother’s surname. Persons are encouraged not to bring babies into the office. The following alphabet system will apply:
- Mondays – A, B, U, V, Y, Z
- Tuesdays – C to G
- Wednesdays – H to L
- Thursdays – M to P
- Fridays – Q, R, S, T, W, X
Meanwhile, the application of certificates will be done between 8:30 a.m. and 3:15 p.m., while the collection will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. This will also be done on an alphabet-based system as follows:
- Mondays – A to E
- Tuesdays – F to J
- Wednesdays – K to O
- Thursdays – P to T
- Fridays – U to Z
However, there are services where the alphabet system will not apply. Those services are as follows:
- Urgent Applications – Persons should make an appointment by calling 535-9755. Documentations to prove urgency must be presented.
- Notaries – Persons should make an appointment by calling 535-9700.
- Wills and Deeds – Lodging, collections and removals.
- Corrections of certificates – This will continue to be facilitated on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, between 9:00 a.m. and noon.
- Change of Names – This will be facilitated on Tuesdays and Thursdays, between 9:00 a.m. and noon.
- Late Registrations of Births and Deaths
- Registration of Marriage Certificates
- Registration of Death Certificates
- Adjudication of documents
- Genealogical searches will resume at a later date.
COURT OF APPEAL – 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

The Court of Appeal will operate between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Mondays to Fridays. However, the alphabetical system does not apply. Walk-ins are welcome. However, to maintain the social distancing protocol, the number of persons allowed in will be managed.
Matters relating to the High Court will be dealt with between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. The classification for matters will be determined by the surname of the attorney, and or the law firm, as noted on the document. This applies to the Documents Desk (Filing) and Searches. It will also be done based on the following alphabet system:
- Mondays – A, B, G to K
- Tuesdays – L to R, C to F, S to Z, and persons 60 years old and over
- Wednesdays – C to F, S to Z
- Thursdays – G to K
- Fridays – L to R, A, B
- Pending Statutory Limitation matters – Persons should call the Registrar’s Secretary at 535-9751, or e-mail
- Court Orders to be filed by particular date – Persons are encouraged to follow procedures for Statutory Limitation.
- Urgent Applications – Persons should contact the Senior Legal Assistant at 535-9745, or e-mail
- Notary Public services – Persons are advised to call 535-9751 to make an appointment.

The Probate Section will be operating mainly by appointments, but new filings will follow the alphabetical system assigned to the High Court.
Persons should e-mail to schedule an appointment. Appointments not kept must be rescheduled. The system will operate based on the following schedule:
- Viewing estate files – Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays
- Collection of requested copies – Tuesdays and Fridays.
Cases set down for hearing in the Magistrates’ Court will continue to be heard, and all parties are to attend court on their scheduled date.
Meanwhile, maintenance cheques will be posted, and any person who has not received cheques by post from the below listed Magistrates’ Courts is asked to contact that court and give their correct address.
- District B/Boarded Hall – 535-9930 / 9931 or 850-3538
- District ‘C’ – 536-3939/ 3940/ 3942/ 3943
- District ‘D’ – 536-3572/ 3573/ 3574/ 3575
- Districts ‘E’ and Holetown – 535-9952/ 9953/ 9955/ 9957/ 9963
- District ‘F’/St. Andrew – 536-3574
- Oistins – 535-0342/43/45
See also: