Staff Writer May 25, 2021
The Minister within the Ministry of Public Works, Hon. Deodat Indar today visited Cane Grove and the Mahaica Market in Region Five, where he assessed ongoing works and instructed the contractors to speed up the construction.
PICTURED ABOVE : Accompanying Minister Indar on his visit was the Minister within the Ministry of Housing and Water, Hon. Susan Rodrigues. Representatives from the Guyana Power and Light (GPL), the Guyana Water Inc (GWI), the Central Housing and Planning Authority and the Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) were also present, among others.
During a meeting held with residents at the NDC Office in Cane Grove, the Ministers were told of several issues including drainage, due to residents constructing their fences into the drains and the condition of the roads.
It was explained that the road from the Cane Grove Public Road, to Bendulla Dam will be built to an asphaltic road.
Minister Indar said he is well aware that roads are in a bad state, hence Government will be seeking funding to build the roads. The Minister said that Government will also be seeking funding for Black Bush Polder in Region Six and Zeelugt and Canal Number One and Two in Region Three.

Over in Sunny Street, Cane Grove approximately 2km of road is being upgraded to asphaltic concrete as well.
Minister Indar however noted his dissatisfaction over the slow pace of work, which contractors claim was as a result of rainfall.
The Public Works Minister then ordered that more sites be opened up along the work site to cater for a faster completion date, with less disruptions to the residents.

In relation to Housing matters, it was related that during the last ‘Occupational Survey’, residents were granted the permission to occupy the street where residents usually depend on to access their homes, etc.
The Ministers also conducted a walkabout in the area to assess the drainage situation.