Sunday 5thApril 2020 -
Cuban Doctor and Nurses here to help.
Tuesday 7th April 2020 -
Hundreds of Cruise ship crew coming off the cruise ship Fascination which have
been berthed outside the Bridgetown Port for a few weeks because of the COVID-
Pictured above part of the crew at the Airport this morning.
Monday 6th April 2020 -
Bridgetown, Sat.,Apr 11 -
The curfew is on but time given to do some shopping.
See some images below…
Channell Supermarket
Cheapside vendors.
Jordan’s Supermarket -
Jordan’s Supermarket
Baxters road.
J.G’s Wholesale.
Jordan’s Supermarket -
For Sale
Popcorn Machine
New 8 -
Stay home and have fun doing your own popcorn with the smaller 2.5 oz machine for $299.00
Joy Ann Brown
There’s Always Something Fun To Do In Barbados
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Friday Apr 24, 2020 -
Attorney General Explains State Of Emergency Extension.
Today, the Parliament of Barbados, by a majority Resolution and in fact, by unanimous
support in the House of Assembly, agreed to extend the State of Emergency in Barbados
until the 30th of June.
Pictured above — Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Dale Marshall.
The police, with the help of divers and a crane, retrieved the body of a man inside
a car submerged in The Careenage.
Reports from the police said that about 7:50 a.m. they were alerted by the Coast Guard that a car was spotted in The Careenage at Cavans Lane in the area known as the Screw Dock.
A diver from the police marine unit confirmed that a man was inside the white vehicle.
Police identify body found in careenage
Police have identified the man whose body was recovered from the vehicle which was found submerged in the careenage earlier this morning. He is Carlisle Browne of #250 Kingland Terrace Christ Church. Police said that about 7:50 am they received a report of a motorcar submerged in the careenage.
Wednesday 28th April 2020 -
Police retrieved body, car from Careenage
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020 -
No New Cases; Two To Be Released From Isolation
READ more here ……..