This document is intended to give guidelines to domestic workers and the persons who employ them in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Domestic workers provide a very personalized service to their clients while requiring both worker and client to share the same space. To reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19 by both domestic workers and their clients the following protocols are provided.
For the purpose of these protocols, domestic workers means persons employed to provide services for the household. These would include Housekeepers, Gardeners, Butlers/House men.
These guidelines are subject to change, as more information on the prevention and control of SARS-CoV-2 becomes known.

- Persons should not report to work if they are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 including as fever, respiratory symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath or loss of the sense of taste or smell. If in doubt, they should contact their doctor or the COVID-19 hotline at 536-4500.
- Householders who are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 should not require or allow domestics to report for duty.
- Employees absent from work due to suspected COVID-19 should not return to work unless certified by a Medical Officer of Health.
- Employees must follow the principles of good hand hygiene at all time. Upon arrival at the work place and prior to commencing work, the employee must wash their hands with soap and water according to the handwashing protocol for 20 seconds. Employees must wash their hands frequently or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer during the course of their shift.
- Observe good respiratory hygiene at all times. This includes covering the mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, using tissues and throw them away, wash hands or using hand sanitizer every time the mouth or nose is touched.
- Employees and household residents should maintain physical distancing between each other as much as possible.
- Fabric face coverings may be used by both employee and employer during the period of work when in close proximity.
- Domestics should wear disposable gloves when dealing with the personal clothing and similar items belonging to the household residents.
- Domestics entering the work place should change from their street clothes into work attire and change back at the end of the workday prior to departure.
- All work clothes should laundered after each use.
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