Governor General Dame Sandra Mason will be absent from office on vacation leave for the period February 6 to 15, which will be spent in Barbados. In accordance with the provisions of Section 29(1)(a) of the Constitution of Barbados, the Very Reverend Dr. Jeffrey Douglas Gibson will perform the functions of the Office of Governor General during Her Excellency’s absence. (BGIS)
The Very Reverend Dr. Jeffrey Douglas Gibson being sworn in today ( Sat, Feb 6, 3.28 PM ) as Acting Governor General of Barbados at Government Headquarters by Justice Randall Worrell, ( extreme left ) as Cabinet Secretary Cecile Humphrey, Reverend Gibson’s wife ( extreme right seated ) , and his Aide-de-Camp ( seated in white ) look on.
The Very Reverend Dr. Jeffrey Douglas Gibson being sworn in today ( Sat, Feb 6, 3.28 PM ) as Acting Governor General of Barbados at Government Headquarters by Justice Randall Worrell signs the Document of office ( extreme left ) , as Cabinet Secretary Cecile Humphrey ( standing ), Reverend Gibson’s wife ( extreme right ), and his Aide-de-Camp ( partially hidden ) look on.