Saturday 21st March 2020. Illaro Court, Bridggetown Barbados.
COVID-19 cases climb to 14 in Barbados
the Minister of Health announced early his afternoon at the daily pres briefin to keep Barbadians up to date on what is happening here.
Minister of Health and Wellness, Lt. Col. Jeffrey Bostic.
Chief Medical Officer (Ag) Dr. Anton Best.
COVID-19 Czar, Richard Carter.
Barbados moved to Stage 2 of the National Preparedness Plan for COVID-19 today when Minister of Health and Wellness, Lt. Col. Jeffrey Bostic, announced that the island had recorded its first cases of in-country human to human transmission.
He told a press conference, held at Ilaro Court this evening, that test results returned by the Best-dos Santos Public Health Laboratory earlier today revealed that out of the 20 persons tested yesterday, eight were positive for the viral illness. This brings the total number of persons infected to 14 – nine women and five men.
Of the eight newly diagnosed cases, only one was an imported case, a visitor from the United Kingdom.
The Minister disclosed that the other seven were identified through the aggressive contact tracing that was being conducted by public health officers since the first cases were diagnosed last Tuesday. The seven are directly related to two previously diagnosed cases.
Acting Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Dr. Anton Best, revealed that the process of placing the eight persons in isolation began today and would be completed by tomorrow.
He reported that the six persons already in isolation were all doing well. At the moment, he said, none of the 14 persons diagnosed was gravely ill.
He however cautioned: “They are all mildly ill at this particular point, but it is important to also appreciate that they can deteriorate at any time and that’s why it is important for them to be in medical facilities where we can monitor them and continue isolation.”
In respect of capacity to handle cases, the Acting CMO said that the quarantine facilities currently have a capacity of 60 beds, and 46 persons could be accommodated in isolation. Additional quarantine and isolation facilities will shortly become available.
Minister Bostic made it clear that his Ministry recognized its dual responsibility to maintain the regular and high quality service within the healthcare sector along with dealing with the challenges of COVID-19
He urged Barbadians to continue to have confidence in the country’s public health officials. “I, myself, have great confidence in the capacity and the ability of the persons in the healthcare sector. The sector is strong; it is good; we have people who can get the job done.”
Minister Bostic explained that as contact training continued to identify all those who would have had direct contact with confirmed cases, the number of cases would rise.
He added: “But while this escalation will continue for a bit, the time will come when we will be able to contain this situation. I say to Barbadians to remain calm; follow the instructions of the public health officials and the public service announcements by the Government Information Service and the other reputable organizations, and to join us in this effort by doing exactly what we ask you to do.… This is an all Barbados effort, an all Barbados approach and once we continue to operate in that way, we are going to overcome this.”
He noted that Barbados was not facing the challenge alone, but had the support of regional and international health organizations.